About Us


MY VITA360 is the result of an alliance that was created with the aim of reaching more people from different countries who are looking for comprehensive changes in their lives.

Our Mission is to find the best way for people to improve their economy, meet their life goals and improve their family health. We will make a great team to be able to achieve all the objectives of each member using tools and processes that will lead us to the success of each person.

Who are we ?

Carmen García

I found out about this wonderful company 29 years ago thanks to a diagnosis of gastritis that affected my health and did not allow me to drink coffee as it irritated my intestine. I started trying the thermogenic coffee and in addition to not irritating my intestine, I lost weight and sizes in 3 months.

At first I wasn’t interested in how I trade just to buy my products at a discount. But when friends and acquaintances saw my results, they began to ask questions and that is how this adventure with Omnilife began.

Omnilife has been my only source of income for 20 years, which has allowed me to have freedom of time to be able to carry out my roles as a mother of 3 children, a housewife and businesswoman that has allowed us to enjoy excellent health and economic freedom. .

Our mission is to find the best way for people to improve their economy, meet their goals and improve their family health.

Tatiana Molina

I became an entrepreneur without looking for it. The need to have good health led me to discover Omnilife.

I had an office job, I didn’t understand what it was like to be my own boss. They told me about the benefits of Omnilife and some incredible products to feel good, I tried them and for the first time in years of having gastritis I felt GOOD and I fell in love with that.

The results were noticed in me and without proposing it, the people closest to me asked me and I began to undertake.

Today I am in excellent health, I enjoy undertaking and I see it as a way to build wealth and retirement.

We created MYVITA360 with the aim of reaching more people from other countries who are looking for a health option and creating an abundant economy.